Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The convention of the Diocese of Rhode Island takes place this coming weekend in Providence. It will begin with a Eucharist, Friday night at the Cathedral of St. John. The business meeting will be most of Saturday. Please keep the delegates and the gathering in your prayers.

Conventions are necessary to pass budgets, set mission priorities and conduct the business of the Church. Some of the work is just that, necessary business. It is important to dot the i’s and cross the t’s. For me, however, the real value of the convention resides elsewhere.

I enjoy coming together as the people of God. It is important to take stock of our visible unity as a catholic Church. Great value comes from strengthening the ties that bind us, for we are bound together into one body. We should celebrate our common life.

In a sense, we are all present at the convention because we are all part of the whole. We are followers of Jesus. We represent parishes. We make up a diocese. We are a church that comprises the Church. It is with a sense of responsibility to the Church catholic in mind, I will go to do the work of the Church.


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