Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Gospel

The good word from Father Jones over at the Anglican Centrist-

As we approach another mile marker in the Anglican saga -- let us pause to remember a few really good things. We've got some really Good News, and here's mostly what I'm talking about:

We believe in One God, the maker of heaven and earth. And that means all time, space, matter, dark matter, and all the other stuff we don't really understand or know about -- whether it exists in 3, 4 or 11 dimensions -- and however many other universes there might be.

We believe in One Lord, Jesus Christ. And this Lord who though God emptied himself for our sake -- taking on our nature, and dying as a servant to all on a cross, that all might enter God's Kingdom. This Lord died for our sins, defeated Satan (whose power still enthralls this world), and opened the Way for us all to Follow.

We believe in the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit is the very breath of God -- the Wisdom of God -- the divine presence amongst, withinst and aroundst us.

We believe in One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. The Body of Christ, the lively and militant incarnation of Christ on Earth, the New Israel -- the mystical company of all faithful people in Christ. Yes, she is but one assembly, she is Holy, she is catholic, she bears the witness and purpose of its apostolic founders, and we love her. We give thanks for the historic continuity we have in living tradition from the apostles -- and we give thanks for our bishops whose office it is to preserve that tradition, know and teach the Word of God, and to oversee God's Church faithfully.

We believe the Holy Scriptures of Old and New Testaments are the Word of God written, being the sufficient witness to God's revelation, and are all anybody needs to know what is needed to enter into a living relationship with God. We believe that God speaks through Holy Writ not only once but livingly and actively just as the Word of God is itself living and active, sharper than a two-edged sword.

We believe the Sacraments of Eucharist and Baptism -- appointed as they are by Jesus Christ himself -- are means of Grace. We are not talking about memorials here -- lapidary reminder markers -- we are talking about channels of the power of God which touch us wholly with God's presence. We are talking about anamnesis to folks living with clouded minds in a world whose dark purpose is amnesia of our Creator's presence.

We believe that our mission as Christians, is to share in the purpose of God, as revealed in the life and witness and death and resurrection and ascension of Christ, and that is to be part of the process by which God restores the Creation to the Way He Wants It to Be.

Can I get some Amens from the people of God in Christ reading the blog?


Scott Gunn said...

Sure, I'll go along, even though it seems vaguely un-Anglican to shout out...


Anonymous said...

Hi Chris,


I am glad to have found your blog. Thank Steve McG. for pointing me in your direction.