Monday, June 23, 2008

Oh No

I received a disturbing report from our summer nanny. My 5 year-old, who wishes for Christmas all year long, has some interesting ideas about the birth of Jesus. According to him, Jesus is born on Christmas. No problem here. After Christmas, Jesus re-enters the womb of Mary, and waits to be born again at Christmas next year. I am afraid we have combined Groundhog Day and the Nativity.

It is clear that I have some work to do on my son’s Christian education.

However, for me, this is a really hopeful sign. It tells me that my son is soaking up what he hears. He might not fully understand, or be capable of integrating what he is being taught. The foundation is taking shape. The fact that he brought this up, as a topic of discussion, makes this father happy.


Country Parson said...

I've always thought that kids pay more attention in church than we give them credit for doing. Some years ago I used the name of a five year old in one of my sermons. He was, at that moment, kneeling on the floor using the pew as a desk for his coloring. His head popped up and he said in a voice loud enough to be heard by all, "Fr. Steve said my name." A month or two ago we visited a local RC church and sat behind a family we know who have a two year old. The priest went on about the problem of disbelief, and in perfectly clear two year old diction she pulled at her mom and said, "Jesus didn't believe?!" They're never too young to learn and never too young for church.

Chris+ said...


I think you are quite right. It happens over time, mostly while we are not paying attention.

Good to hear from you. You have some really good stuff at your place!

Kelly, Princess at Large said...

I find it interesting what children will pick up on. Believe it or not, both my brother and myself distinctly remember an extremely controversial sermon my beloved childhood priest gave which got him in a heap of trouble with the bishop of our Catholic Church. To sum up, he has this idea that God doesn't care if you are Catholic or Protestant. God is love in its most pure form and god loves you.
I believe I was 8 at the time and my brother was 5. We are now in our early 30s.

Chris+ said...

Thx for your insight Kelly. I too remember some significant moments from my childhood in Church. I think as adults we often underestimate what children takeaway from Church. My younger sister swears I replicated services for her at home after Sunday worship, including a prayer, hymn and an extemporaneous sermon.

I think I would like your childhood priest.
